Pregnancy Option Support
An unexpected pregnancy can mean big changes, not only in your life but also in the lives of those around you. You are facing an important decision and only you can make it. However, you are not alone. Empower yourself with options. We can help you to make healthy choices for your future .
Pregnancy tests
Next steps and practical help
Perinatal and infant loss support
Support after abortion

Parenting Support & Resources
It is our pleasure to offer many practical and emotional supports to you and baby as a new parent right up to toddler years.
Whole person care assessment
Community referrals and resources
Prenatal, childbirth, parenting and life skills classes
Maternity and infant supplies
Resource information for housing & community services
Childbirth Education Series
New Moms Groups
Parenting Classes
Bright Course Programs: everything from finance and home care to bringing home baby and toddler years

Adoption Information
So many thoughts go into making parenting decisions. If you are not sure you are prepared to be a full-time parent, have you ever thought about providing parents for your baby? You can hand-pick a family for your child. You can create a plan that will have your child's best interest at heart. This is adoption. We support and will walk alongside you when you feel an adoption decision is in the best interest of your child. For parents who choose adoption we offer:
Whole person care assessment
Community referrals and resources
Life skills classes
Maternity supplies
Resource information for housing & community services
Childbirth Education Series
Bright Course Programs: everything from finance and home care
Post Adoption Support
Support After Abortion
For women and men: After abortion, many individuals feel relief while others have negative emotions. Responses vary. Reactions may be immediate or may arise years later and can depend on age or stage of pregnancy, religious or cultural beliefs, mental health or other factors. We're here to support you.